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Getting Started

Welcome to the Web3 Plugins🧩 Guide, a new feature introduced in web3.js v4. In addition to the core web3.js libraries, plugins bring specialized functionalities tailored for end-users (functionalities, that you, as a developer, can create). These enhancements may involve creating wrappers for specific contracts, adding extra features to RPC methods, adding any external libraries, logic, extending the capabilities of web3.js methods, etc...

In this guide, you will learn the basics to get started building web3 plugins, setting up providers, importing, and using different web3.js packages.

Create a plugin​

//1. import the `Web3PluginBase` module
import { Web3PluginBase } from "web3";

//2. Create a Class extending the `Web3Pluginbase`
class MyPlugin extends Web3PluginBase {

//3. Add a name to the plugin
pluginNamespace = "pluginExample";

//4. Create any methods with your desired functionality
async doSomething(){
console.log("Hello web3!");
//send transactions
//initialize contracts
//deploy or interact with contracts
//add your own library, logic or functionality
//much more...

module.exports = MyPlugin;

Use a plugin​

//1. import the plugin and web3 module
import { Web3 } from "web3";
import MyPlugin from "./plugin";

//2. Initialize the web3 instance
const web3 = new Web3("");

//3. Register plugin to add the current Web3Context
web3.registerPlugin(new MyPlugin());

//4. Use the plugin methods
//--> Hello web3!

Using web3 packages on the plugin​

Use Eth module​

import { FMT_NUMBER, Web3PluginBase, eth } from 'web3';

class MyPlugin extends Web3PluginBase {
pluginNamespace = 'pluginExample';

async getChainId() {
//`this` is the web3context used when you register the plugin in the usage
return await eth.getChainId(this, { number: FMT_NUMBER.NUMBER });

async getBlockNumber() {
return await eth.getBlockNumber(this, { number: FMT_NUMBER.NUMBER });

//more web3.eth. methods...

export default MyPlugin;

Use Utils​

import { Web3PluginBase, utils } from 'web3';

class MyPlugin extends Web3PluginBase {
pluginNamespace = 'pluginExample';

weiToEth(value) {
//`this` is the web3context used when you register the plugin in the usage
return utils.fromWei(value, 'ether');

//more web3.eth. methods...

export default MyPlugin;

Use Accounts​

import { Web3PluginBase, eth } from 'web3';

class MyPlugin extends Web3PluginBase {
pluginNamespace = 'pluginExample';

async createAccount() {
const account = eth.accounts.create();
console.log("account:", account);
account: {
address: '0x59E797F2F66AffA9A419a6BC2ED4742b7cBc2570',
privateKey: '0x52a81fc3a7fd6ce9644147c9fb5bfbe1f708f37b4611b3c3310eb9a6dc85ccf4',
signTransaction: [Function: signTransaction],
sign: [Function: sign],
encrypt: [Function: encrypt]

export default MyPlugin;

Use Wallet​

import { Web3PluginBase, eth } from 'web3';

class MyPlugin extends Web3PluginBase {
pluginNamespace = 'pluginExample';

async createWallet() {
//1. Create a random account
const accounts = eth.accounts.create();
//2. Add the account to the wallet
const wallet = this.wallet.add(accounts);
//by creating the wallet, web3.js will use this account to sign TXs under the hood
Wallet(1) [
address: '0x233725561B1430bE2C24Ce9EEabe63E4B46EC9E3',
privateKey: '0x6856adf06dd803e0354450ccf251f829a2c9ef1177ce371f8835bbfb56cd0898',
signTransaction: [Function: signTransaction],
sign: [Function: sign],
encrypt: [Function: encrypt]
_accountProvider: {
create: [Function: createWithContext],
privateKeyToAccount: [Function: privateKeyToAccountWithContext],
decrypt: [Function: decryptWithContext]
_addressMap: Map(1) { '0x233725561b1430be2c24ce9eeabe63e4b46ec9e3' => 0 },
_defaultKeyName: 'web3js_wallet'

export default MyPlugin;

Use Contract​

import { Web3PluginBase, Contract } from 'web3';

class MyPlugin extends Web3PluginBase {
pluginNamespace = 'pluginExample';

async interactWithContract() {
//1. Initialize contract
const myContract = new Contract(ABI, ADDRESS);

//2. Interact with reading functions
const response = myContract.methods.doSomething().call();

//3. Interact with writing functions
//You must initialize a wallet to be able to send the TX from wallet[0].address
const txReceipt = myContract.methods.doSomething().send({from: wallet[0].address})

export default MyPlugin;

Use ENS​

import { Web3PluginBase } from "web3";
import { ENS } from "web3-eth-ens";

class MyPlugin extends Web3PluginBase {
pluginNamespace = "pluginExample";

async getAddressENS() {
const ens = new ENS(undefined, this); //link to current web3Context
return ens.getAddress("ethereum.eth");



More ENS methods here

Web3 requestManager (custom RPC)​

import { Web3PluginBase } from 'web3';

class MyPlugin extends Web3PluginBase {
pluginNamespace = 'pluginExample';

async customRPC() {
return await this.requestManager.send({
method: "custom_RPC_call",
params: [],

async getNonce() {
return await this.requestManager.send({
jsonrpc: "2.0",
method: "eth_getTransactionCount",
params: ["0xEA9eEca67682Cd9c6Ce3DdD1681049D7A897289F", "latest"],

async getBlockNumber() {
return await this.requestManager.send({
jsonrpc: "2.0",
method: "eth_blockNumber",
params: [],


All the Ethereum JSON-RPC API here

Web3 Config Params​

import { Web3PluginBase } from 'web3';

class MyPlugin extends Web3PluginBase {
pluginNamespace = 'pluginExample';

async configParams() {
this.config.handleRevert = true;
this.config.defaultTransactionType = 0x1;
//more params...

All web3 config params here